20 Sep Low T Therapy
What is Testosterone?
Testosterone is a hormone and helps maintain men’s bone density, fat distribution, muscle strength and mass, red blood cell production, sex drive.
What are the symptoms of Low Testosterone?
- Reduced libido and low sex drive
- Always feeling tired and fatigued
- Decrease in physical stamina or endurance
- Difficulty in having or maintaining erections
- Memory impairment
- Weight gain
- Depression
- Irritability and anxiety
- Decreased muscle and bone mass
- Insomnia
How is Low Testosterone treated?
We treat low testosterone with weekly injections of testosterone.
Getting Started!
Initial Visit: $99 Includes:
• Visit Doctor/Nurse Practitioner
• Testosterone Injection
• Lab Work
• Office Visit
Follow Up Visits: $50
• Testosterone Injection (weekly)
• Labs are done every 12 weeks ($50)
(visit includes review of labs with Doctor/Nurse Practitioner)
Benefits of Low T treatment include increased libido, muscle mass improvement, increased energy and endurance, and improved health, mood and quality of life.
A thorough lab panel is done every three months to maintain optimum performance levels and that is an additional $50.